
Date of Birth: Estimated 1920

Pati was given to the YLPB by Pierre Abreu with 9 other chimps (including Pait's infant daughter Gua) on May 13, 1931 after the death of his mother.

Date of Death: October 2, 1965

Pati died from an ulcerated colitis condition. She was 45 years old. Geoffrey H. Bourne, who was director of YLPB during the period of the move from Orange Park to Atlanta commented on Pati's death, "Tissues are being preserved; after death she will still be making a contribution. We need to get a friend now for Wendy; she is about 43 years of age and misses Pati very much. Dr. Long stated he thought Pati was the oldest chimpanzee to live where there were records of such.”

Parents: UNKNOWN

Children: Gua (with Jack in Cuba), Ben and Japa (with Jack), Dina and Gar (with Bokar)